Monday, February 17, 2014

SmartBoard Activity!

I chose compound words as my literacy lesson activity.  On the first slide, I would ask students questions to see how much information they know about compound words and to refresh their memory on compound words.  I used the "show/hide screen shade" and as I ask questions, I would bring down the screen to show the next question/answer.  I also provided a youtube video which I thought was really cute on compound words. On the second slide, I have a hidden activity. I will have my students use the  glass to find the hidden compound words.  On the third slide, I used the vortex to check to see how much my students understand about compound words.

How I created these activities:
On the first slide, I simply used the text icon to add the prompting questions and answers for my students.  I used the "show/hide screen shade" icon. When I am ready for the next part to be shown, I simply move the shade down.

On the second slide, I picked a purple background and wrote compound words in the same color as my background (purple).  I used the magnifying glass which you can find by going to portrait then typing in "magnifying glass" into the search box.  Under "pictures" should appear imagines of magnifying glasses.  Drag one over to your page.  Next, create a circle the same size as the magnifying glass circle and place it over top the magnifying glass.  Next, highlight the magnifying glass (which should have the yellow circle on top of it) click the down arrow and press "grouping." It should group the circle and the magnify glass together. Next I dragged the magnifying glass over the purple background and I could find the hidden words! (If you are still having trouble, try pressing the down arrow on the highlight of the magnifying glass and go to "order" then press "Bring to the back."  You might have to play around with that one until you are able to find the hidden words.)

On the third slide, I simply typed in "vortex" to the search box inside portrait and up showed the vortexes! Simply drag the image to your page and press "edit." Here it will allow you to write in whatever it is that your lesson is about!

It seems a lot harder than it actually is! I'm really happy I attended the Smart Board training on February 10th or I would have no idea how to create these lessons and it would have taken me triple the amount of time to create such fun lessons! I am having so much fun playing around with Notebook 11!
These smart board activities will enhance my teaching because it will engage my students.  My students will be excited and motivated to use the smart board and will want to learn!

Compound word Video! -This is the video I used in my Lesson!

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