Friday, April 18, 2014

The job hunt...

As the light at the end of the tunnel gets closer and closer I've finally decided to being the application process for OLAS and NYCteach! In the last few weeks I've contacted and rounded up letters of recommendation, started and completed the lengthy online application process, updated my resume and brought it to the career center to be checked over and created a cover letter.  I sat on the OLAS website and selected 13 teaching positions to apply for and 1 teaching assistant position...and that is only the beginning! Although there are teaching positions being posted, I do not want to get my hopes up that I will in fact get a phone call for an interview.  Teaching positions in NY are still very hard to come by.  I'm whiling to teach in the Mid-Hudson Valley, Lower Hudson Valley and even NYC! When I finish my Master's Degree in December, I am planning on applying to jobs in the Myrtle Beach, South Caroline area and also the Fort Lauderdale, Florida area. I'd really love to get away from the New York cold and snow next winter! I am excited and very nervous for what the future holds for me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laura:

    I understand the anxiety of the uncertainty that lies ahead. Try to have faith. I received my Bachelor's Degree in 1990. There were no teaching jobs then either, just subbing. But back then, I needed insurance, I couldn't stay on my parent's insurance once I graduated from college. I was working in a bank at the time and they offered me a full time position with a promotion, so I took it. From there, I went to the brokerage industry and then was a stay-at-home mom for 11 years. Those 11 years were the best years of my life and I don't regret a day. Then I got a job as a PARA to "ease" my way back into teaching. I got a full time teaching job the following year and have been there ever since.
    All paths are a little windy but we all get where we need to be. You'll find something. Good luck in all your future endeavors!

