Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Slice Of Life

Everyone's feet were full of paint. Green, yellow everywhere. On the table, on the chairs, on the floor, their arms, my hands, my shoes... I didn't know what to do so I went with the flow.  "Put your feet in the paint." "Put your feet on the paper." "Make your feet dance." "Put your feet in the water." Over and over again until twelve pairs of feet were painted and cleaned. That's twenty four feet, one hundred and twenty toes! I was exhausted to say the least. Mary was a big help. She cleaned as I painted. I painted as she cleaned. Before I knew it, the day was over. It was time to tidy up and go home. But before that, we had to clean up the mad house of a room. We said, "Clean up." No one listened. We sang our song, "Tidy up, tidy up, put your things away. Tidy up, Tidy up, we're finished for today." Still, no one listened. Finally Dana began to help...Dana did all the work. No one was allowed to dance. No one was allowed to do the Bear Hunt. No one was allowed to bring in their dolls/stuffed animals/super heroes the next day....The parents came. They didn't see any dancing, they knew something was wrong. Let's hope for a better day tomorrow. Let's hope for some listening ears. We can only do fun things like paint our feet when we have our listening ears on.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh the life of a preschool teacher never rests! Thank you for making me see how a part of your day looks through your eyes with this passage. Being a preschool teacher in the past, I totally remember the insanity that happened in the classroom from time to time. Overall at the end of the day, their smiling faces make it all worth while. Great job!!
