Micro Blogging: After reading the first article on Twitter used during conferences, it is obvious to me that Twitter is not just a social network where people stalk and gossip. Twitter is in fact a microblogging sit. Twitter can be use by many businesses to hold conferences and can even be used in schools by educators. I think it is an amazing idea to use Twitter as a means of communication between a group of people. By hash tagging, you are providing specific information to certain people about a topic of interest. News and ideas can be spread on Twitter. It is easy to upload a picture, send out a hash tag, and even send out links to new articles and other resources found on the internet. In schools, teachers are post homework assignments, remind students of a test or quiz that is coming up or even just add informational links that they want their students to take a look at. I think that Twitter in classrooms can be beneficial to students, the same way Twitter in Conferences is beneficial the their audience.
Blogging: Like microblogging, Blogging is a way to share information with others. Unlike Mircoblogging, Blogging does not limit your word count or amount of information you want to share with the world, or a specific group. People use blogs for all different reasons. Some use blogs to entertain others, some use it to express themselves, some use it to meet and network with others, where others use it to make money. Blogs can be used in an educational way, for example, blogs are used in our Literacy and Technology class for us to reflect on the course readings and different projects. I never thought much of blogging until college. I think
it's a great way for students to interact and express how they feel
about a class or just about life. Blogs are different for everyone. Some
people may not like being able to express themselves for anyone to
read, and some may love to do that.
Podcasting: Like Microblogging and Blogging, Podcasting can be used in many different ways and by many different people. One major way Podcasting
is being used is in schools and educationally. Podcasting is something that is so great and fun for students. Teachers are using it to produce podcasts ranging from children's
stories, audio diaries, plays, interviews, news and reviews. Some
teachers are even using them to distribute exam revision material. Teachers are able to distribute learning materials, which can include sound, images and video. In today's world,
sitting in a class for hours is boring and no one wants to do that.
Podcasts is a way to keep students engaged and motivated. Podcasts allows students to be able to watch the lecture when they have
time and in the comfort of their own home. It also allows students who
may not have been able to attend class, the opportunity to watch it
without being penalized. Technology is just growing and growing and
podcasts allows students to gain the experience and knowledge of using
the computer to the best of their ability.
I chose compound words as my literacy lesson activity. On the first slide, I would ask students questions to see how much information they know about compound words and to refresh their memory on compound words. I used the "show/hide screen shade" and as I ask questions, I would bring down the screen to show the next question/answer. I also provided a youtube video which I thought was really cute on compound words. On the second slide, I have a hidden activity. I will have my students use the glass to find the hidden compound words. On the third slide, I used the vortex to check to see how much my students understand about compound words.
How I created these activities:
On the first slide, I simply used the text icon to add the prompting questions and answers for my students. I used the "show/hide screen shade" icon. When I am ready for the next part to be shown, I simply move the shade down.
On the second slide, I picked a purple background and wrote compound words in the same color as my background (purple). I used the magnifying glass which you can find by going to portrait then typing in "magnifying glass" into the search box. Under "pictures" should appear imagines of magnifying glasses. Drag one over to your page. Next, create a circle the same size as the magnifying glass circle and place it over top the magnifying glass. Next, highlight the magnifying glass (which should have the yellow circle on top of it) click the down arrow and press "grouping." It should group the circle and the magnify glass together. Next I dragged the magnifying glass over the purple background and I could find the hidden words! (If you are still having trouble, try pressing the down arrow on the highlight of the magnifying glass and go to "order" then press "Bring to the back." You might have to play around with that one until you are able to find the hidden words.)
On the third slide, I simply typed in "vortex" to the search box inside portrait and up showed the vortexes! Simply drag the image to your page and press "edit." Here it will allow you to write in whatever it is that your lesson is about!
It seems a lot harder than it actually is! I'm really happy I attended the Smart Board training on February 10th or I would have no idea how to create these lessons and it would have taken me triple the amount of time to create such fun lessons! I am having so much fun playing around with Notebook 11!
These smart board activities will enhance my teaching because it will engage my students. My students will be excited and motivated to use the smart board and will want to learn!
Today, February 17th, I attended the Quizzes on Moodle with Wiris training on WizIQ by Ramon Eixarch. This was not my first choice in trainings, I was originally signed up to attend MM3: Connecting to online to improve instructional learning, on February 16th but at the last minute this training was rescheduled to Thursday at 2:00 which I was unable to attend. Due to my busy work schedule and class schedule, this Quizzes on Moodle with Wiris was the only training that fit into my schedule.
I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed in this training. Ramon Eixarch was very hard to hear and understand. The whole training was based on secondary and college mathematical equations, graphs and problems. As a certified Elementary Teacher, secondary and college level math seemed to be in a different language to me!
I tried to put myself in the shoes of a secondary math teacher as I watched this training. Some cool and interesting features about Wiris:
Perfect integration with Moodle
It's FREE!
Random variables + graphics
Math evaluation of the students answers
Formula editor for the students
Control for answers
I thought it was really neat that teachers can create and edit their own mathematical formulas, problems and graphs. The quizzes can enhance an assessment in subjects of Math and Science. Wiris does not change the questions, it improves the questions. It can improve questions such as, True/False, Multiple Choice, Matching, Short answer, and Essay. I also really liked that when the answer is correct it shows a little green check more so students know they got the answer right.
I wish I had more time in my schedule to attend another training that was pertaining more to Elementary Teachers. Since I can't, I tired to make the most of this experience! (I tired to find a youtube video for Wiris and Primary Grades, I could not find one but I will keep looking!)
I can honestly say I've never heard of "Web 2.0" before this class.
After reading many of the articles and watching a few videos, I can't
believe I've never hear of it before! I learned about the three E's and
couldn't agree more with it! I think it is extremely important for
students to have a solid environment that makes them feel comfortable. I
remember being in elementary school and having the teacher use the
round robin reading method. Instead of paying attention and following
along with the rest of the class, I was too busy counting which
paragraph would be mind and re reading it over and over again until it
was my turn to read it aloud. Engagement is the second E and whoever
does not agree that this is important is wasting their time being a
teacher! This E is extremely important to students of all ages! Students
learn the most when they are actively engaged! This means they are
paying attention and listening to what is being presented. Not just
because they are forced to but because they actually want to learn. The
final E is Example. Not only do students need to be presented with an
example of what you expect from them but they also need to see reading
and writing done as an example from the teacher. When they are asked to
read, the teacher should be reading. When they are asked to write, the
teacher should be writing.
I loved the article that
listed the five free Web 2.0 websites. Pinterest, edcanvas, livebinders,
storybird, and voicethread are just a few of the free tools! I really
like prezi, google docs, smore and animoto as well! I've used prezi
before, never knowing it was a Web 2.0 tool!
After exploring many of the Web 2.0 tools, I decided to use Smore to make my flyer about Animoto!
was my first time exploring both smore and animoto. I really loved
that animoto can make a video presentation by adding videos, photos,
captions and music! You can really personalize what it is you are
presenting. Another great thing about animoto is that a 30 second clip
is free. To upgrade and get longer clips, you do have to pay.
decided to use smore as my flyer website because it was honestly the
first one I clicked on and it was super easy! You can add a title,
captions, videos, pictures, and links. There are different layouts,
depending on what it is you want to advertise for. I chose the basic
blank flyer and just created and added my own captions, videos and
I'm really glad this class is teaching me new
things about technology! I'm starting to feel more comfortable with all
these different websites!
On February 10th, I attended the Smart Board Training at MSMC. I was overwhelmed with information! I felt it was a great experience and it expanded my knowledge about Smart Boards and Smart Notebook 11. I loved the different ways to create different lessons. The hidden text is really awesome and will really engage students! The math apple lesson was also something that teachers can use in their classrooms. It allows the students to come up to the smart board and use it, not just the teachers. It's a great way to get students involved and motivated!
Interactive White Boards and Learning/ Creating Classroom for Everyone/ Interactive Whiteboards WorkBook!
These articles were extremely beneficial to my learning about Smartboards. An interactive white board is a touch sensitive screen that works with a computer and projector. It is obvious that an interactive white board increases student engagement. It is a great way to get the whole class involved in group lessons. Article one states, "The functionality of the interactive whiteboard and its accompanying software allows for the development of classroom activities that are engaging for students, so they encourage greater focus, participation and interaction and improve student learning outcomes as a result." Students want to be able to touch the screen! They want to learn!
This interactive whiteboard can help differentiate instruction across the board. It can benefit students of all types of learning styles such as, visual, auditory, intra or inter personal. It benefits those students who are gifted and talented and those with a learning disability. It can help those students who are English Language Learners. Differentiate can take place by creating different lessons based off different learners. For those students that need the extra work, the teacher can revise the lesson with more activities at there level. The teacher can do the same for those students who are advanced or gifted. The teacher can revise the lesson with more challenging information and activities.
Although Smart Boards are expensive, funding is possible! I felt that the last article was awesome! It offers great lessons and great ideas for teachers! Teaches you about virtual field trips, interactive white board in Math, in English, Science, Social Studies and Fine Arts!
I couldn't agree more with these three articles. I feel that Smartboards in classrooms are a huge motivating and engaging experience for students of all ages, of all levels and of all disabilities! When I was in elementary school, Smartboards did not even exist! It's amazing how much the technology world has changed in just a few years. By the time I reached High School, I only saw and used a Smartboard in my Math class. Now, Smartboards are everywhere. When I did my student teaching experience at West Point Elementary School, every classroom has a smart board. As I have done fieldwork experience at Putnam Valley Elementary School, not only does every classroom have a Smartboard but each teacher get their own Mac Book lap top and starting from 5th grade on, each student gets a Mac Book laptop until they graduate High School. I think it is amazing that some school districts are able to offer this to their students. It is understandable that this type of technology is expensive and many school distracts can not offer this type of technology to their students but there are over 430 million web hosts out there that are free and easy to use that can also engage and differentiate for students!!!
I thought this video was simple to understand for the basics of learning the Smartboard!
Based off the resources that could load on my computer, they were extremely useful! I feel like no matter how much you know about technology and Smart Board, there is always something new to learn! The videos and websites really helped with my foundation knowledge on the subject. The different tools and games will be extremely beneficial in my classroom!
Last night was our first group meeting. I'd have to say it went pretty well. I was able to figure out how to send out invitations for WizIQ via e-mail and everyone was on time and ready to go right at 7:30! It was nice that we were all able to see each other through webcam but we turned them off due to poor connection. There seems to still be an echo problem with some of the mics and it makes for hearing yourself sort of awkward! Also, we were not able to record our meeting unless we paid? Anyways, we discussed the readings and worked on our New Literacies Power point via Google Docs. Google Docs is an awesome tools! It allows you to create, edit and view a project all at once with the rest of your group right there! We are also using google docs for our card group project. It seems to be easiest way for all of us to add to it!
I thought the readings for this week were very interesting and informative! I loved the videos! It's amazing how much the world around us is changing. Who would have
thought we would be able to have a class online via WizIQ? Who knew we
would be able to talk to people in different countries via Facebook? Who
knew we could see pictures of others in different places of the world
via Instagram. It really is an amazing thing! They are right when they
say Literacy is not just the ability to read write and speak. Being
literate has so many more meanings. You must be able to read, write,
speak and also be technologically intelligent. We are lucky we were
born into the generation that we were born into. I might actually
consider myself a "digital immigrant"!! I do not have any social medias.
I am disconnected from Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Although I have
an iphone, laptop and TV, there are five year olds out there that can
show me the ropes! My three year old cousin has his own ipod. My
boyfriends five year old niece just got her own ipad for Christmas.
Remember when we used to get excited over Barbies and Super Hero Dolls?
Is it safe to say "those were the days?" at the age of 25?!? I'm
interested to see what the technology world has in store for us in
another 25 years!
I'm feel more comfortable with the online class. I am becoming more familiar with the new e-class website and I'm figured out how to navigate WizIQ! I'm excited for the next week!
Well we made it through our first week of the Spring Semester!! How does everyone feel? I can honestly say I am VERY overwhelmed! I decided to become full time this semester...along with working full time, and I am already thinking it was a mistake! On top of all that my job decided to move to me be the preschool teacher! Which I am VERY excited about but its very different than infants (which is where I have been for the last two years) It's okay though, I will survive it!!!!! Change is good!!!
I was not too happy with our meeting via WizIQ! It started off great, could hear fine. Then all of a sudden I lost sound for a good half hour in the middle of everyone's about me presentations, including mine!! Technology is great....but not in cases like that. Haha. Anyways, I hope week 2 is a little better on my end.
I am enjoying learning different technology techniques and strategies. I think I am going to experiment on Wordle for the next project!